Feedback - Astrology and Ayurveda Classes- Feb 2023

Feedback after completion of Astrology and Ayurveda Classes of Feb, 2023.
A. Ayurveda Classes (conducted by Mira ji) Feedback –

1. Lost in fatigue and confusion, traditional medicine failed me.
Then, Mira introduced me to Ayurveda, changing my life forever! Her warmth and knowledge instantly resonated. She translated ancient wisdom into modern practices for my unique dosha.
Small changes to diet, routine, and self-care led to BIG results. Energy soared, mind cleared, emotions balanced. I finally felt "in tune" with my body.

Mira equipped me with tools to navigate my needs and open a door to vibrant energy, deep peace, and profound self-connection.
Seeking transformation and self-understanding? Look no further than Mira! She's a guide on the path to wholeness, not just a teacher.

Highly recommend for:

a. Increased energy & vitality
b. Improved emotional well-being
c. Body connection & understanding
d. Self-care & healing tools

A truly transformative journey

Thank you, Mira, for changing my life!

- Vince Issaev – USA.

2. In this Ayurveda course I understand the basic principles of Ayurveda on which our physical body works.

By using Ayurveda we can increase our immunity, body vitatality in natural way. In this course I learn about ayurvedic medicines. Also learn some hand mudras these mudras are really very helpful.

I strongly recommend Mira Madam.

Thank you so much Mira Madam.

- Vimi Saxena, India.

B. Astrology Classes Feedback –

1. I'd highly highly recommend these classes to everyone who wants to understand the whys and the how's of the deep existential questions. It'll make life a little easy for everyone.

These classes were the right mixture of Astrology and spirituality.
The astrological concepts were very easy to understand with real life astrological charts being taken up as examples, over which detailed discussions were done. The accuracy, with which the events unfold, sometimes leaves one spellbound.

The topics were covered in a very systematic manner, were elaborately and lucidly explained.

Loved being a part of the class. Immensely grateful for having been given an opportunity to learn more about myself and people around me through the birth charts.

Total paisa vasool classes !!

Wish they could've gone on for longer 😄

- Dr Aarushi Dua, India.

2. Guruji, thanks a lot for all the lessons, teachings and guidance. It was definitely like a new beginning for me, a journey of exploration has begun for the better. I am looking forward to many more learnings through our conversation, discussions, your website, YouTube live sessions, your upcoming books, blogs etc.

Also, it was great being a part of this group. All you amazing people, thanks for all the knowledge that you have shared through answers/discussions.
- Mansha Mishra, India.

3. It was an honor to be a part of Vishalji's Jyotisha school. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of it. Although I did not have the opportunity to follow all the sessions live, it was not a problem at all, because I could watch the recording later and I can still watch them. Recommend it to anyone who would like to get to know better about themselves, others and the natural rhythms of existence. This course was not just astrology but much, much more. Vishalji exceeded my expectations with his spiritual depth, calmness, knowledge, readiness, love and respect for everything and everyone. Thank's to all the participants for the interesting questions. Congratulations to Vishalji for a excellent composed and executed course.
- Darja Jejcic, Slovenia.

4. This was my second time joining this wonderful Jyotish classes. I can’t recommend it enough. And it goes beyond of Astrology. It not only helps you with concepts of Jyotish, but also transforms you as a person. Vishalji has tremendous knowledge, and he’s a wonderful teacher, and he did guide each and every one of us, in the most calm, and peaceful manner. He provides you tools that are beyond words powerful.

Getting the right guidance, and teachings from Vishalji is an absolute blessing.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing your knowledge with all of us, and teaching things that I will carry throughout my entire life.

- Ana Luiza Souza, Brazil.

5. Vishal’s course for Vedic Astrology/Jyotish is extremely rewarding on account of the fact that Vishal, Swami Premanand Bharti is much more knowledgeable than many of the mainstream Vedic Astrologers I’ve followed over the past 7-8 years when I transitioned over learnings Tropical to Sidereal. That may be my personal bias and all but that’s just how I feel and I do believe I would say so even without the bias. Because it was due to my not getting full clarity in my studies and learnings that I even made the search and contacted Vishal in the first place. He has never failed to answer an academic question and give clarity. He encompasses Jyotisha in this way. I shouldn’t be more confused after listening to an astrologer; then how is this the divine light? His manner of teaching is clear, concise, methodical. That’s just what students need for their success in the subject. He even encourages students to stick to one method of learning at a time. We all know that’s crucial to success as well. Nobody ever became a master by having their fingers stuck in too many pies.

This class has synchronized in my mind as a major part of my awakening as a soul. Last year my New Years Eve itself literally started with a bang, and that was right around when we began. Despite all the turmoil including leaving my country and then coming back, I have clung to this class for my sanity, and a Vedic Astrology as a whole. I will be a lifelong student and I wish this class will never end, I want to be in the next class. I love everybody in this class as well, everyone is so nice and it’s good to see many others who are passionate for this divine science which will surely be taking the throne in the next hundreds of years to come. It will be thanks to the thousands of marvelous teachers such as Vishal that we can see such a thing occur. Vedic Astrology helps people awaken to themselves and how they can bring this light of self-knowledge and awareness to others so we can all begin the evolution process like a domino effect. I have nothing but thanks to give to all my fellow students and my most respected teacher in life. Furthermore, I recommend this astrologer more than any others. I am also of the opinion that a client ought to hear the truth before anything else. Having said that, I would also recommend this Astrology course over anyone else’s. It may not be as fluffed up with a grand name like some of these other astrologers like to do, but we’re not here for the fluff; we’re here for the knowledge. The knowledge itself should be the elixir we prize, not all the extra unnecessary trimmings. Again I’m not saying this to insult other methods but I feel it’s all unnecessary to beginning or aspiring astrologers. Vishal delivers the knowledge and nothing else, and that’s just beautiful.

Is this class for you? If you love knowledge, this class is for you. If you’re open minded, this class is for you. If you’re dedicated to learning astrology, this class is for you.

My only small critic would be Vishal's room lighting could be improved but I don’t really care about that to ruin my experience. I would take this class again and again regardless of that. So if you’re a nit-picky person and the lighting may be a problem, then the class is not for you.

Sorry to be verbose, but there is just so much I could say that’s great about this course. 🤍 I hope to see some of your names again in the next class.

– Alexis Viola Clay – USA.

6. Thank you Vishal Sir for teaching true concept of astrology ND clearing many wrong beliefs... Teaching us true essence of what karma planet want to teach...

-The classes were healing...Sir taught to accept things as it is ...
-many life lessons I learned to let go certain things which are not in control.
-The course is mixture of Astrological concept, spirituality ND healing
-Thank you sir for your compassionate ND so grounded behaviour throughout nd when ever we ask too many questions...
-Feeling blessed to study astrology from you
Thank you sir ND Thank you everyone in batch.

– Dimple Ahuja, India.

7. Blessed and very grateful to be able to attend Vishal Sir's Astrology classes. The classes are a perfect blend of esotericism and philosophical knowledge packed with lots of doses of healing wisdom. He is very compassionate and patient towards all the seekers and to be honest, many a times felt as if I'm directly listening to Osho Rajneesh through Vishal Sir's preachings. Will recommend these classes to everyone as we all need the medium of 'Jyoti-Ish' , the Lord of Light to enlighten our lives.
- Samata Shinde, India.

8. I had serendipitously ran into Vishal's blog, and now have become a follower of the same. My mother had inculcated in me, an interest in Vedic astrology and had introduced me to the basics during my early years. Since then I had been following it as and when time permits, and firmly believe that it is purely a science and a blue print for our life path/pattern, but i never had the same kind of belief on astrologers generally (sorry about that!) since I wasn't convinced by the ways most of them interpreted or explained the charts/transits/etc., And so, I had never consulted an astrologer in my life so far.  But it took me only a few reads of his articles to be convinced that he is a great astrologer who understands astrology for what it is and counsels people to help them move to the next plane of spirituality. And then in no time I had requested for an overall consultation for me and my husband. Vishal was so patient with all our questions and explained all the houses/karakas/aspects/stars etc and highlighted the do's and don'ts that would make us align with our horoscopes and make our lives better, cautioning about health issues that might come up, and advising on pro-active measures, etc., Never hurried the sessions, but took his time and was very articulate and precise as well. He seems to be a very good person and a mentor as well, keen on helping people with issues. 

Shortly thereafter he was commencing a new vedic astrology course, which without a second thought, I joined. And am so glad I did. More than teaching just the usual side of astrology that deals with planets, their placements and so forth, the emphasis he lays on the spiritual side of it, the three gunas and getting ourselves elevated to the higher plane or significations aligning with the chart (the real "jyothi - isha") sets him apart from the usual teachers we meet. Though the course fee was for a certain number of sessions, he was kind enough to add a few extra sessions for us to be able to revise and to go over a few new concepts. He is full of patience as well and doesn't rush anyone, giving sufficient time so no student falls behind. He also doesn't close the doors just after the consultation or the course is complete but makes himself available to clarify any questions we have anytime later which shows his magnanimity and the passion to share knowledge and elevate people spiritually. Vishal is one of the handful that I have met so far who is more of a Guru rather than just a trainer/teacher.

I highly recommend him to anybody that likes to learn astrology or needs spiritual counselling or need help with life forecasts based on their charts. Thank you very much, Vishalji!

PS: Though the course I joined was focussed on Vedic Astrology, MiraOm squeezed in a bonus introduction session on Ayurveda by Miraji which as well was excellent and very informative. Thanks to Miraji for the beautiful session.

- Anuradha M. USA. 

9. Attached picture feedback is from Mandabi Guha.
Thank you all for your kind feedback.
Mira Katyal
Swami Premanand Bharti


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