Transit of Ketu in Leo Sign from May 2025 to Dec 2026
We are entering a phase of important and long term transits of the planets and one of the important transits is Nodes transit from May, 2025 onwards. So, let’s understand the Nodal Transit of Ketu in Leo Sign.
Normally, it is like a ritual to study Rahu & Ketu together in birth chart or during transit, but I write separate articles for Rahu and Ketu each, just to have a detailed and descriptive look at both transits. Also, there will be quite a few joint impacts which Nodes will create along with other planets in remainder of the year. We need to see impacts of those transits through separate articles. As always, we can’t cover everything in one article.
So, Ketu will transit into the sign of Leo on May, 2025. So, let’s have a look at how this transit is going to impact Human Life on Earth on the basis of following points –
For anyone, who is completely unaware of what Rahu and Ketu are, please check these links - & .
Transit Period – Ketu will move into Leo on May 18, 2025 as per Mean Nodes and on May 29, 2025 as per the True Nodes. Ketu will remain in Leo till Dec 5, 2026 as per Mean Nodes and till Nov 25, 2026 as per the True Nodes So, it is transit of almost 18 months which is a good enough time to make some events happen in our life. Again, it is never only one planet which causes the event. So, this article must be read along with other updates on transits which I post at various times.
True Node Vs Mean Node – First of all, there are mainly 2 ways of calculating the transits of Rahu and Ketu. They are known as True Nodes and Mean Nodes. As per True Nodes calculations, Rahu and Ketu will change signs on May 29, 2025 but as per Mean Nodes they will change signs on May 18, 2025. I am not going into debate of which one is more correct as the difference between the two is less than 1 degree. So, follow whichever fits your understanding. If you want more info on it, then please search with “True Node Vs Mean Node” or like terms. As Mean Nodes work well for me, I follow Mean Nodes. These links may help you further on this point - and .
In case, someone is willing to experiment and find out as to which Nodes System work better for them then please pay attention that time-gap between transits of True Nodes Vs Mean Nodes is about 10 days. In this time, people can observe if they are getting more results of Rahu in Pisces or Rahu in Aquarius. Likewise, they can observe if they are getting more results of Ketu in Virgo or Ketu in Leo. So, this 10 days’ time can give us opportunity to find out which Nodes System is working for us.
Ketu’s Last Transit – Let’s 1st see how Ketu’s transit in Virgo manifested in last 18 months? Ketu’s transit in Virgo has led to extensive perfectionism in people. It would have been a better use of energy if we had applied it on ourselves but as it happens normally, everyone projected their idea of perfection on each other and it led to another trait of Virgo; i.e. Conflicts. As Ketu transited in Virgo, we have seen conflicts growing globally as everyone is following their own idea of perfection and trying to project on others. Better use of energy would have been if people had sought perfection from Self. An area where Ketu in Virgo has helped us is growth in Technology with advent of AI.
At personal level, Ketu was transiting my 11th house/Virgo. So, in last 18 months,it didn’t impact me much on financial level but my social interactions or social life has just died.
As Ketu in Virgo made its impact on human life, we can say that Ketu in Leo won’t be an exception here and will make its own impact on our lives.
Eclipse Season – With this transit, now eclipse seasons will also switch to Aquarius/Leo axis and we will have eclipses in the months of Sep, 2025, Feb-March, 2026 and Aug, 2026. For more info on eclipse season, please check this link - .
Now, Ketu, Leo and Ketu in Leo.
Ketu – Ketu represents Isolation, Separation, Spirituality, Mystical World, Other Dimension means things related to Alien World. It also represents Son, Dog, Intuition, Research Ability, Curious Nature, things which we have already achieved in past life and not much concerned to perform in this life.
During transit, Ketu is a separative energy that separates us, either physically or mentally, from the things related to house it is transiting in 18 months.
Here it is important to understand Separation represented by Ketu. Normally, we say that we get separated from people or a thing related to the house where Ketu is in birth chart or it is transiting. Now, I have Ketu in 4th house but I always stayed in India and with my Mother. At the same time, I have had my differences of opinion on almost every issue with majority of Indians and with my Mother. So, it is not only about physically getting separated from something or someone but it can also be about feeling a disconnect mentally from someone or something. Two people can feel separated even when they are living under the same roof. So, we should take broader view when we are trying to interpret separation as per Ketu.
One more thing to remember is that separative tendency of Ketu will be towards Jeeva Karakas, i.e. People, whereas research and investigation will be towards Ajeeva Karakas of the same house. Like, Ketu in 7th house can make you isolated towards Relationship but it can make you research oriented towards Business. For more info on this concept, please check this link - & .
Leo - Leo is 5th sign of zodiac belt, hence it represents the things associated with 5th house of horoscope like Love, Creativity, Arts, Being on Stage etc. Besides that, Leo is basically the Lion. This is the sign of feeling like King or Queen. Also, it is a sign of independence, Confidence, Ego, Self Esteem etc. Leo is consisted of 2 and half Nakshatra namely Magha, Purva-Phalguni and Uttara-Phalguni. Leo's lord is Sun. i.e. Uttara-Phalguni, Hasta and Chitra. Virgo's lord is Mercury.
We can see following results of Transit of Ketu in Leo Sign –
1. Now Ketu will be in Leo for next 1.5 years which is ruled by Sun. Rahu explodes things related to house/sign/planets it comes in contact with whereas Ketu implodes things related to house/sign/planets it comes in contact with. So, Ketu will take up the character of Leo & the house it is falling in to and would make us go inwards regarding those things.
2. It can be recorded as confession from my side that it is because of this reason only I find Ketu as most difficult planet to interpret. As Ketu implodes the results, we may not see the interpreted results in outward life and we may feel that we misinterpreted the results. Whereas person can be going through the exact same results internally but not willing to share externally. This is where Ketu’s results are most difficult to interpret, at least for me.
3. As I see, it is always easier to interpret malefic planets as they seldom change their basic nature. They are supposed to bring difficulties in our lives and bring situations where we are required to work hard. The end result is that after facing those difficult situations, we realize our true potential. Even when Mars is exalted or Saturn is exalted then it is not that they are going to let-go of their basic nature which is malefic and which makes us work hard towards our ambitions with perseverance.
4. Simplest way to interpret any planetary position or transit is by looking at the nature of sign or nakshatra and nature of planet involved. So, we need to combine Rahu’s nature with Aquarius nature.
5. As per mythology involving Rahu-Ketu, they keep enmity towards Sun and Moon only. As Leo is Sun ruled sign, we can say that dignity-wise, Ketu is in enemy sign.
6. Ketu will make us physically or mentally separated from the things or people of the house where Leo falls in chart.
7. Leo is the sign of authority and authoritative people. So when Ketu comes in Leo, people can feel a natural isolation/separation from Authority or Authoritative people.
8. This can be the result in personal or professional life both. We may not like people to boss around us.
9. Now, wherever Leo falls in chart, person can feel this isolation from that area of life. Like, if Leo falls in your 9th house then you may not like to be bossed around by your teachers. Likewise, we can be feeling isolated from authoritative people in different areas of life.
10. It can also create a situation where people may consider leaving authority of others and create authority for themselves as Rahu in Aquarius transit can push us towards entrepreneurship and serving humanity.
11. People will be willing to let-go of authoritative selfish motives (Leo) and move towards devoting themselves for service of others (Aquarius).
12. At global level, we can see people revolting against Governments, Authorities and Authoritative people. It can also bring circumstances of Military Coup or Armed Rebellions.
13. From a different perspective, we can say that this can be a difficult time for Governments, Kings or Queens or people in authoritative positions. They may have to let-go of their own selfish interests and look after interests of people and humanity.
14. This time can also help people in realizing their past-life expertise in creative field. People can research on creative side of life and may realize their calling in life through creativity. So, it can be a great transit to deep dive in your creative side.
15. Creative Research will be on high and we can see AI impact on this creative research.
16. As Leo is also sign of Love, we can see people going into very unconventional sort of love stories. It can also bring a past-life karmic connection in love-romance matters.
17. As I said in Rahu Transit in Aquarius article ( ) that we can be drawn towards serving humanity, this is where Ketu in Leo can come as help as it can make us go away from our individual ego and thereby devote ourselves to others. This is how Nodes always work together.
18. Another way to look at the result of upcoming transit is to look at the results of the time when similar transit took place before. So, if we can go back in our memory for Oct, 2006 to April, 2008 and reflect back at events during that time, then we can have some idea about what is upcoming this time.
19. At personal level, this was the time when I realized that I am not meant for Law as a profession but at the same time, I had no idea that what-else I should do in career as it was Ketu in 10th house/Leo transit for me in career matters.
20. This transit can be better utilized in creative research or financial research but not a good time to be Bossy.
21. Overall, better utilization of this transit can be when we go inward and seek your authority over yourself. This transit can also be best utilized to realize our creative side and then serve people through it. So, it is time to seek authority over Self.
House Co-ruled by Ketu – Ketu co-rules Scorpio sign along with Mars. It means the house where Scorpio falls in your chart, you may feel energy of that house too from the house where Ketu is transiting in Leo.
Ketu’s Natal Position – Ketu’s position in birth chart is very much important here. It will show the overall strength of Ketu in your chart. To know the real strength of Ketu, we need to also check the dignity of planets it is sitting with in birth chart and also the dignity of sign lord. But overall, a planet like Ketu, which is not a giver/provider, will give us some difficulties in any dignity.
Dasha – As always, someone going through Ketu Dasha will feel the full impact of transit. Others will also see the results as transit duration of 18 months is long enough to impact the human life.
Ketu Return – Those who are born with Ketu in Leo in birth chart will also see full results, regardless of dasha, as it is an important transit of Ketu going over Ketu. It is normally called Nodal Return. Rahu going over Ketu of Birth Chart and vice-versa is known as Semi-Nodal Return and it is as powerful as Nodal Return. For more info, please check this link - .
Age of Individual – Results of malefic planets largely depend on the age of person as they become mild after attaining maturity age. Ketu’s maturity age is 48 years. So, if you are over 48 or even in 40s, things can be better for you. Please check this link - .
Planets in Leo– Also, if you are born with planets in Leo, you will see results of those planets too as Ketu transits over them. So, the person may feel isolation/separation from things/people that planet is Karaka/Jaimini Karaka and things/people related with houses that planet rules in a particular chart.
Ketu’s Aspects – Besides transiting in Leo, Ketu will also give results of the houses where it aspects through 5th house and 9th house aspects. From Leo, Ketu will aspect on Sagittarius and Aries. So, wherever these 2 signs fall in your chart, will also be effected by Ketu’s transit. Ketu’s aspects are more about educating ourselves and getting rid of illusion of Ketu in Leo. So, we will be inclined towards exploring or education related with houses where Sagittarius and Aries fall in our chart. To understand more about Nodal Aspects, please check these - ,, and .
Planets Transiting through Leo – During the same transit of Ketu in Leo, other planets like Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars will transit through Sagittarius in due course. So, all these planets will impact and get impacted by Ketu in Leo. Sun’s transit becomes important here as Sun is ruler of Leo.
Ketu transiting over Nakshatras – Last but not the least, Ketu transiting over each nakshatra will give results of that nakshatra related things.
a. Uttara Phalguni – Ketu is currently transiting in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. This is where the perfectionist nature of Leo/Virgo will be very prominent and people can be very knit-picky and detailed oriented about almost everything in life. Again this habit can be excellent if person is trying to be Self-Perfect rather than expecting or projecting that perfection from others.
b. Purva Phalguni - Then Ketu will be transiting in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. This is where the creative and financial nature of Leo will be very prominent and people can be involved in research related with these things.
c. Magha - Then Ketu will be transiting in Magha Nakshatra. This is where the authoritative nature of Leo will be very prominent and we can see people going against authoritative people.
Now, the main course.
Again, the occurrence of event is based on chart + dasha + transit. Event should be 1st promised by the birth chart, then you should be under dasha which allows the event and then transits can bring the event. As we are looking at last step, it can’t be taken as final word on events to take place but we can get an indication where our focus will be in these 18 months as Ketu will make us isolate from people related to the house where it transits and can make us focus towards things related to the same house. Please see results of this transit from Ascendant and Moon Sign both. Predictions from Ascendant Sign will show what will actually happen and predictions from Moon Sign will show what our mind desires and how mind will react to such events. Another thing is that when Ascendant and Moon sign both point towards one event that event has more potential to happen.
Aries Ascendant/Aries Moon Sign – For Aries people, Ketu will be ruling 8th house/Scorpio of Change, Occult and Mysteries etc. It will be transiting 5th house of love/romance, education and children. It shows that they can be separated from their love interests or children for various positive/negative reasons. Not a good time for planning a child but if someone is willing for child birth through alternate ways then they can go ahead. They can get involved into research oriented education and creativity. They can have a change of work environment. Good transit for higher education but not so good for love matters. If they start a new relation then they may have some past-life karma attached with that person. This transit can bring a major change in their love life. Also, they can have health issues related with intestines and stomach. It can be a good transit for learning financial analysis, stock market and other detailed oriented subjects. This also shows major changes coming to child or love/romance matters. It indicates ego clashes in love/romance matters or with kids.
Taurus Ascendant/Taurus Moon Sign – For Taurus people, Ketu will be ruling 7th house/Scorpio of Relations, Partners, Spouse and Business. It will be transiting 4th house of home, mother and home land. It shows that they can be separated from their home, home land or mother for various good/bad reasons. It can also bring a foreign travel. It also shows health issues to mother. At the same time, they can be inclined towards spiritual pursuits like meditation or yoga. They can be inclined towards real estate matters too but it will be more beneficial as an investment rather than staying there. They may feel that they are misunderstood at their home or by their Mother. They may like to be away from home. This transit can bring a major change in their home life. This transit also shows possibility of break-ups in relation. Seeking perfection at home or from Mother can lead to troubles or loss of peace of mind. Relationship life can see an instability due to Mother or people at home or we can also say that instability/change in relationship life can bring change in home or peace of mind. It shows ego clashes with people at home.
Gemini Ascendant/Gemini Moon Sign – For Gemini people, Ketu will be ruling 6th house/Scorpio of disputes, diseases & daily work life. It will be transiting 3rd house of self-efforts, business, communication and travelling etc. It shows that they can be inclined towards starting their own business which can involve research, analysis, communication and travelling. Their business can also be related with occult and mysticism or any other research oriented matter. They can research and take education related with their skills and interests. At the same time, they can have separation from their younger sibling. They can be headless about their communications. It can also mean that with their communications they can invite conflicts or ego clashes here. So, observing silence can be a great idea during this transit. They can also travel away to foreign land in this time. They should be careful while travelling to avoid accidents. Good transit to collect as much information as they want. This transit can also bring health issues to parents. They can have lack of self-confidence during this transit. It shows ego clashes with siblings.
Cancer Ascendant/Cancer Moon Sign – For Cancer people, Ketu will be ruling 5th house/Scorpio of Creativity, Education, Children and Love etc. It will be transiting 2nd house of family, wealth and speech. It shows that they would be dealing with matters of family and wealth. They can gain wealth through business and research related work. At the same time, they can be separated from their family and go away from them for various reasons. It is good time to research on wealth or finance related things. They can develop a spiritual way of speaking. Other way around, they can also be headless with what they speak. They may feel that they are misunderstood in their family. They may like to be away from them. Again, seeking perfection from them is not a good idea. Although, they may be dealing with wealth but they may not be inclined towards it. This transit can bring a major change in their family life or wealth related matters. They may have to take a special effort in saving their Money. Instability/Change in matters of love/romance or children can bring changes in family setup. It shows ego clashes within family.
Leo Ascendant/Leo Moon Sign – For Leo people, Ketu will be ruling 4th house/Scorpio of home, home land and mother. It will be transiting 1st house of self, life path and physical body etc. When Ketu transits the Ascendant, person feels isolated and separated from Self. It means that he doesn’t find self-worth and hence he should do lots of research, introspection and investigation about himself and his right life path. This is also the time person can get involved seriously in Spirituality and Occult Practices. Spiritual and Occult ways can become part of life path in this time. They will have a feeling that they don’t belong where they are. They will be research oriented in whole period. They can go away from their place of birth. Good time for spiritual, occult and mystical pursuits or gaining higher education in any research oriented or creative subject. They can have some mystical experiences and they can be living in their own world. This transit can bring a major change in their overall life. Changes at home or mother can impact their overall life. A good transit to let-go of egoistic ways.
Virgo Ascendant/Virgo Moon Sign – For Virgo people, Ketu will be ruling 3rd house/Scorpio of Travelling, Siblings and Business etc. It will be transiting 12th house of foreign lands, spirituality, losses and hidden matters etc. It shows that they should invest their time in foreign lands, research and knowledge of creative, occult, spiritual and mystical subjects. They can be interested in spiritual matters. They can be travelling to foreign lands. They may spend lot of money during this transit. Good transit for spiritual growth of person. They should stay away from any major investment as they can lose their money. As Ketu is about letting-go and 12th house is house of losses, financial losses can be one of the results here. Hence, they should be careful about their money matters. This transit can bring a major change in their spiritual views and can be a good time for spiritual pursuits. Whole life path can move towards foreign lands, spirituality, occult and hidden matters etc. They can have sense of loss regarding their whole life. This transit can also bring some spiritual/mystical event in life. Changes in the direction of efforts are indicated. Changes in life of younger sibling can bring a sense of loss to them. They should be careful while travelling and driving. It shows ego clashes or loss of ego due to Spiritual Masters.
Libra Ascendant/Libra Moon Sign – For Libra people, Ketu will be ruling 2nd house/Scorpio of Family, Wealth and Speech etc. It will be transiting 11th house of gains, elder siblings and friends etc. It shows that they will be separated or feel separated from their elder sibling or from their networking circles. Time to be careful about money matters as Ketu is impacting both houses of Money. It also shows a separation from working in a large organization or corporate. Their social life may go down. At the same time, their research activities can bring gains in life. They may not be inclined much about money factor. Their source of income can go through a major change. They may find it difficult to save money. They may not be too willing to network with their professional circle but whenever they do, it will be around subjects like analysis, research, occult and spirituality. They can gain a lot from research based entrepreneurship. They should utilize their knowledge to serve a higher humanitarian cause. Instability in family can impact their money matters and social life. It shows ego clashes with elder siblings, friends or networking circle.
Scorpio Ascendant/Scorpio Moon Sign – For Scorpio people, Ketu will be ruling 1st house of Self, Life Path and Overall Life etc. It will be transiting 10th house of career, work, authority and recognition. As 10th house is house of job setup career and Ketu represents isolation/separation itself, this transit can make them lose their job setup career and they can be pushed to start their own work. If they persist in jobs, situation can be very stressful. There can be problems related with health of father too. Their relation with father or other authority figures in life can deteriorate. There can also be separation from Father. At the same time, they can be inclined towards work related with research, occult and spirituality. Not a good transit for job based career. Hence, they should start focus on their own business. Their father’s situation, overall fame and recognition in society can go through a major change but again that change will be more felt internally rather than externally. This also indicates a possibility of defamation in society or at work place. It also shows that instability or changes in life path or Self can bring a change in work or career. It shows ego clashes with Father, Government or anyone in authority position.
Sagittarius Ascendant/Sagittarius Moon Sign – For Sagittarius people, Ketu will be ruling 12th house/Scorpio of Foreign Lands, Spirituality and Isolation etc. It will be transiting 9th house of higher education, religion, philosophies and literature etc. It shows that they will be inclined towards research related higher education, religion, philosophies etc. They can have ego clashes with Teachers. This transit can bring a change in their belief system. This can bring disagreements with their teachers or towards views & ideas of others etc. They can go on travels to far distant lands, mostly for their higher education. They can have controversial or unconventional views on religion and philosophy. This transit can also bring health issues to parents. This can also show lack of support from father or authority figures and can lead to leaving a job to find another career. It shows expenses in travelling or education. This transit can be best utilized for education or religious or spiritual pursuits as Ketu, 12th house and 9th house all represent same things.
Capricorn Ascendant/Capricorn Moon Sign - For Capricorn people, Ketu will be ruling 11th house/Scorpio of Gains, Income and Desire etc. It will be transiting 8th house of occult, major changes, inheritance and relationship benefits etc. It shows that they can go through a major change in their source of income and overall life as Scorpio and 8th house energies are coming together and they both represent major transformations in life but mostly that change may be an internal change. Good/bad nature of change will depend on how overall chart and dashas. It also shows a split in relation or split in inheritance. They can have ego clashes in relationship matters. They can be investing lots of time in occult side of life. They should be careful against accidents & surgeries. Good time to go towards meditation and other spiritual/mystical pursuits. Major change can be there in overall life. Feeling of separation and frustration in relation.
Aquarius Ascendant or Aquarius Moon Sign –For Aquarius people, Ketu will be ruling 10th house/Scorpio of Career, Father, Authority and Fame etc. It will be transiting 7th house of relationship, business and masses. It is not a good transit for them in matters of relationship as Ketu will make them physically or mentally separated from their partner. It can also show some difficulties or health issues to spouse. It also shows that they can be inclined towards dealing & serving people through business and that business can involve a lot of research oriented activities. They can expect benefits from such a business but in relationship matters, they need to 1st deal with it internally and then they can expect some improvement externally. If they start a new relation then they may have some past-life karma attached with that person. This transit can bring a major or sudden change in their relationship life. Instability at work or with Father can invite instability with partner or relationship too. It shows ego clashes in relationship. They should be careful else this transit can indicates moments of defamation too.
Pisces Ascendant or Pisces Moon Sign – For Pisces people, Ketu will be ruling 9th house/Scorpio of Higher Education, Teachers or Gurus etc. It will be transiting 6th house of daily work life, obstacles and conflicts etc. It shows that their daily work life can involve lots of research oriented work. It shows ego clashes in work life. They can get into disputes or litigations during this time. There can be illness related to intestines or illness of rare/unusual nature. At the same time, they can be interested in medical or legal education and they may research about it. Illnesses during this time can be hard to diagnose and it is advised to take a 2nd opinion if any confusion is there. Need to be careful about health matters. Likewise, they should try their level best to avoid any conflicts and litigation, due to belief systems. Alternate health care practices can be more helpful. They may have no idea about their daily work life. Relation can go into conflicts and major changes. They should be careful against meeting with accidents etc and to avoid situations which can bring Surgeries. They can find separation in relationship matters or at their work place. They can also utilize the same transit for higher education of legal or health care field.
Conclusion – As we can see that common theme of Ketu transit looks like creative research, detailed oriented work, occult, research and spirituality, this transit can be very helpful for any of these types of research oriented pursuits but if we are looking to get the results from people of the house where Scorpio/Leo fall in chart then it can be disappointing time.
Hope this helps. Please post any comment or query you may have.
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