Success Mantra by Guru
One day, a man approached a master, seeking guidance. "Master," he said, "I’ve failed in everything I’ve ever tried. I just want success. Please give me a mantra for success, and I’ll do anything to achieve it."
The master listened patiently and replied, "Come to me tomorrow morning."
The next day, the man arrived as promised. The master greeted him and said, "Follow me." Without asking questions, the man complied. The master led him to a river. Standing at its edge, he gestured for the man to follow him into the water.
The man hesitated. "But master, I don’t know how to swim," he said nervously.
The master smiled and reassured him, "I’m here. Just follow me."
They waded into the river until the water was up to their necks. The master stopped, and the man stood beside him, confused. Suddenly, the master grabbed the man’s head and pushed it under the water with great force.
The man panicked. He flailed his arms and struggled desperately to break free, using every ounce of his strength to lift his head above the water. But the master was stronger and kept his grip firm. As the man’s lungs screamed for air and he felt on the verge of drowning, the master finally let go and allowed him to surface.
The man gasped for air, his chest heaving. For a few moments, he couldn’t speak, only breathe. When he regained his composure, his anger exploded. "What is wrong with you, master?" he shouted. "I came seeking wisdom, and you nearly killed me! I don’t want anything from you anymore."
The master remained calm and said, "You asked me for the mantra of success, and I have given it to you."
The man stared at him, baffled.
The master continued, "When you were under the water, what did you desire more than anything else?"
"Air!" the man replied without hesitation.
"Exactly," said the master. "When you want success as desperately as you wanted air—when you are willing to put in every ounce of your strength, every bit of your focus, and every drop of your energy—then success will be yours. Nothing will be able to stop you."
The man stood in silence, the weight of the lesson sinking in.
The story I heard from Osho, I rewrote in my words.
Thanks and Regards

Thanks for sharing.
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